The world would be in rough waters if it weren’t for the ability to transport goods by ship. Despite all the advances in travel technologies, from road to rail to air and even space, nothing comes close
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Getting to Market: The Winding Road of Food Miles
Buy Local: a piece of advice heard often without much second thought given as to whether or not it’s sound. Certainly, it makes a world of difference for local farmers and the community at large if you
Read moreHALT! Put Down the Peach
October is Energy Awareness Month! No surprise this is one of our favorite times of year at swrm. It conjures up images of leaves changing color, adding a smear of reds and yellows, browns and oranges to
Read moreSource Series: Nuclear Energy

It’s a precious few that haven’t heard of Albert Einstein’s landmark equation: E=MC2. The value of this elegant equation is that it has revealed that matter and energy are intimately related. It has been responsible for enormous
Read moreThe Dreaded Question: Paper or Plastic?
A whopping 8 billion tons of plastic has been produced since it started being manufactured in significant quantities just 60 years ago; 5 billion tons of that has been improperly disposed of as waste. It seems like
Read moreCarbon Footprint=Burritos?
When we cut through all the debate, the arguments put forth from here, there and everywhere, one thing becomes abundantly clear: in order to save the planet, there needs to be a collective effort. No one can
Read moreTransportion Series: The ABC’s of MPG’s
In this day and age, it’s easy to believe that everything is faster, smarter, more efficient and just all-around better than it ever has been. It has something to do with these rectangular screens carried around in
Read moreIt’s Time for a Conversion
Repeating something over and again is a sure way to make it into the history books. Take, for example, one of the greatest tormentors known to mankind: the dreaded calorie. The term “calorie” was introduced into the
Read moreThe Source Series: The Challenge Facing Renewables
More and more companies are beginning to realize that consumers are no longer just buying products. In this day and age, a customer can walk down a grocery store aisle, pick up a ketchup bottle and run
Read moreDecrypting the Energy Footprint of Cryptocurrencies
A dollar is a dollar is a dollar… or is it? The price of a commodity, whether it be a bouquet of flowers or a pint of milk, can vary greatly even from one neighborhood to the
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