We talked briefly about the immense amazingness of the ocean in our article Source Series: The Tides of Change. So we don’t need to remind you all of the incredible ecosystem which surrounds us (let me
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Source Series: The Tides of Change

The ocean is a wondrous and awe-inspiring ecosystem. It covers most of our planet (71% of it…and let’s not forget that number is increasing)! The average depth of the ocean is nearly 2.5 miles, but the lowest
Read moreSource Series: Wind Power. Are you a fan?

Wind power is a renewable energy source which has been around forever (well, a very very long time). Wind powered machines have been grinding grains for more than 2 millennia. Windmills pumping water in the Netherlands prevented
Read moreSource Series: The Radiant Sun
The talk of the town is Renewables. Finally – am I right?! But let’s not dwell on the length of time it’s taken to get this conversation (almost) front and center, let’s just be glad it’s here
Read moreThe Energy Footprint of a Lightsaber?

What do you think the lifetime energy output would be from a Lightsaber?
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