Our Wetlands are Drying up

Wetland panorama view

As is perhaps obvious by the title, wetlands are where water covers land – specifically, soil. The water may be salt or fresh, or anywhere in between. And examples of wetlands are marshes, peatlands, deltas, rivers, lakes, (freshwater) and mangroves, estuaries, seagrass beds, coral reefs and lagoons (saltwater). They are picturesque, fragile, valuable – and in grave danger. Let’s explore some interesting facts about these essential ecosystems, and see what’s being done to save them.

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The beat goes on – the music industry’s role in climate change

The beat goes on – the music industry’s role in climate change

Music is very often a salve for the soul. It’s what we turn to both to reflect our mood and to try to change it. We can all name an artist or song which has left an

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Got (plant based) milk?

Splash of milk on black background

The conversation around that white, creamy drink seems to be growing more common. For several reasons. Firstly, did you know that approximately 65% of the world’s population has a decreased ability to digest lactose after infancy? That’s

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Bottom Trawler Fishing: a win for marine life! (Or a lesson in greenwashing?)

Bottom Trawler Fishing: a win for marine life! (Or a lesson in greenwashing?)

The term ‘bottom trawler fishing’ is probably not immediately associated with positive environmental outcomes. In fact, only one Ecosia search (our preferred search engine, as they facilitate planting trees) turns up plenty of scientific papers and opinion

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Tipping Points and Fraudulent Claims

icebergs melting

Way back in 2009, world acclaimed climate scientist and Director of the Penn State Earth System Science Center, Michael E Mann was at the centre of “Climategate”. Thousands of private emails from the University of East Anglia

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Best 10 from the Hive in 2019!

Happy New Year written in the sand at a beach

We know that this time of year is often hectic. And, as we’ve mentioned a few times, it’s been a big year! So perhaps there’s some stuff you’ve missed from The Hive along the way. We wanted

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5 GOOD NEWS climate change stories for 2019!

vector with people underneath tree of life

It’s been an eventful year. A somewhat exhausting year – many of us are feeling weary from the constant barrage of negative news and scary reality around the climate crisis. It’s been a year we’ve been forced

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Sustainability on a Shoestring: Part 2

Earth in an apple shape on green grass

As promised, here’s the second piece to get you moving along the path of sustainable living, while minding what you spend. I hope you got some useful tips from earlier in the week on personal care and

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