How sustainable are EVs, really?

Two electric vehicles charging at a station

We should all aim to drive less. Or use public transport or cycle. But what if driving is your only option? Should you get an EV? How sustainable are they, anyway?

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Land degradation is more dangerous to our future than you might think

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

We’re exploring land degradation today – what it is, what can cause it, what the impacts are, and most importantly, what we can do to prevent it!

The soil beneath our feet is valuable in so many ways. And we need to treat it as such. So join us as we discuss this pressing issue facing our beautiful planet.

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Country Vs City. Which is better from a sustainability standpoint?

aerial view of a city skyline at sunset, with a cloudy sky

It’s a question as old as time: City versus Country. Do you prefer busy cities or quieter countryside living? We explore both, from a sustainability standpoint.

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