Two minutes: in order to power the plethora of human activities for an entire year, all it takes is harnessing the power of the sunshine that reaches earth for a mere 120 seconds. The potential energy emitted
Read moreAuthor: Stanley
Eat Naturally, Eat Seasonally
In 1973, Maurice and Maralyn Bailey watched their yacht sink to the ocean floor after it was struck by a whale. For 117 days, the couple floated adrift in the middle of the Pacific and, though, they
Read moreHow to Survive Flu Season

Every day, our world is getting bigger. Scientists make discoveries left and right that expand our horizons exponentially. Technological advances make it possible to dive deeper into the oceans, peer further into the cosmos and learn more
Read moreTop 10: Ways to Save Energy this Winter!
Winter is the season of more: more food, more layers, more time spent with friends and family, more-just plain more. It can be argued that this penchant for plenty is something deeply ingrained within the very biology
Read moreThe 2018 Climate Report
It’s official: the country with the strongest economy and military in the world has recognized that climate change does exist, and that it is having an impact that can be felt in the here and now. Last
Read more5 TeRRRRRific Steps to Saving the Planet
Too often the tendency is to look at subjects as black and white, good and bad, trash and recycling. Life doesn’t fit into those neat little categories and neither does waste. There are shades of grey, just
Read moreTransportation Series: Fly High Without the Guilt

In years gone by, jet setting across the globe was considered a rare treat. Nothing was more glamorous, more capable of attracting the envy of friends and family than to return home after lying for days on
Read moreHave Faith in Fungus
Increasingly, we are living in a globalized society. Nowhere is this point made more clear than in the airline industry. A Boeing 787 aircraft, for example, is dependent on twelve different countries to supply the component parts.
Read moreMake Recycling Cool Again!
You can always measure inflation by how the price of certain products or services has changed. Things like a gallon of milk, a postage stamp and, even, public transport. “It use to be a nickel for the
Read moreTricks and Treats for a Zero-Emissions Halloween
Ghosts and ghouls, goblins and grools! What’s a grool you ask? I started saying great and ended up saying cool. Because Halloween is so great, and it has always been so cool! Zero emissions is a goal
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