Top 10: Ways to Save Energy this Winter!

Top 10 Ways to Save Energy this WinterWinter is the season of more: more food, more layers, more time spent with friends and family, more-just plain more. It can be argued that this penchant for plenty is something deeply ingrained within the very biology of not only humans, but a great deal of the living things on this planet. Take for example the lovely honeybee. They buzz about all year long, collecting pollen and nectar. The queen is constantly-CONSTANTLY- reproducing, to the tune of 2,000 eggs per day for a total of 1 million eggs during her lifetime. They do this so that they can produce enough honey to survive the winter. Yes, that’s right. They enjoy honey too, and if they can manage to keep the grubby paws of humans and bears at bay, they’ll reap the rewards for their labor by stuffing themselves with that amber delicacy all winter long.

Civilizations across the world and throughout history follow the same system. Quite apart from religion or spirituality, people have always and still do celebrate the start of the season with some form of a harvest festival, from Israel and Indonesia, to Swaziland and Argentina. Even the pilgrims who traveled to the new world, where there was no set way of doing things yet, naturally felt compelled to create a holiday that celebrated the harvest. Today, Thanksgiving Day inflicts millions of men, women and children with the need to put another notch on their belts.

So, no need to feel guilty over that extra slice of pie, because it’s only natural! Just make sure it’s sustainably sourced, organic and produced locally; you are still on a mission to save the planet, after all. Speaking of which, just because you’re binging on carbs, doesn’t mean that you’ve got to up your carbon dioxide emissions. Energy consumption skyrockets during the winter months, but it doesn’t have to. Follow these 10 tips to save on your energy bill, so you could put that money towards things that are important. Like pie.

10) Harness the power of the sun! There’s not much of it, but using the few rays you do get will help to lower your heating bill. Pull back the curtains on south facing windows during the precious few hours the sun makes an appearance during the winter months. It’s a natural way of heating your home. Shutter up once the sun goes down to avoid losing heat.

9) Turn the tables by utilizing your ceiling fan. It’s a simple matter of physics. Heat travels upward. If you set your ceiling fan to turn clockwise on a low speed, it will draw the heat back down for you to enjoy.

8) Adjust your thermostat. Setting your indoor temperature to 62 degrees Fahrenheit could knock off $200 from your annual heating bill. If the prospect of a cool 62 degrees sends shivers down your spine, then at least commit to lowering the temps while you’re asleep. Sleep scientists agree that we sleep better when the temperature is on the cooler side. Whatever you decide, investing in a smart thermostat will take the grunt work out of constantly fiddling with the temps. They’re designed to make your life easier and save you money.

7) Clothe your home in a winter sweater. It’s not fair that you get to have all the fun experimenting with layers, scarves, and cozy knit caps, while your home has to sport the same old garb all year-round. Toss a throw onto your couch, pile up on the pillows, and roll out an area rug to insulate your home while giving it a fab makeover.

6) Admit that not all rooms are created equal. Be honest: how often do you find yourself in the nook? It’s a cute nook, sure, but it doesn’t need to be heated with the same frequency as your living room. If you decide to set your thermostat to 62 degrees, you can use a space heater to heat up the rooms you use most. You may also consider a humidifier because, as anyone living close to a large body of water during the summer months know only too well, humidity makes the air feel warmer.

5) Have a foam party! Weather stripping the windows and doorways in your home is a ridiculously easy and amazingly efficient way of protecting your home from the elements. They come in rolls at any hardware store worth its salt. First, clean the surface with some soap and water. Dry it with a towel. Measure the length, cut the strip to that measurement, unpeel the weather strip from its backing to reveal the adhesive side, and carefully put it into place. It’s so easy your kids could do it. In fact, your kids should do it! It’s a wonderful way of teaching them about the importance of energy efficiency and showing them they have the power to take action and make a difference.

4) Give your furnace a physical. Calling in an HVAC specialist to make sure your home’s heating system is up to par is a great way of slashing your energy bill. They’ll make sure the furnace is operating correctly and that your insulation situation is in good shape. The best part: it’s common for local and federal governments to front the bill. There are government subsidies out there that will take care of the cost for professionals to come and poke around your home. If you find out your home needs a few upgrades, you can sometimes get Uncle Sam to split the bill with you. If you’re inspired to try out your HVAC skills, a simple and effective maintenance tip is to regularly clean and switch out your air filters.

3) Tis the season for (responsible) lighting! Forget untangling your old incadescent Xmas lights. Instead, it’s time to upgrade to LED’s for your holiday lighting needs. They use 75% less energy, last 25% longer, and won’t break as easily as those traditional bulbs. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that you’ll be the talk of the block with your cutting edge holiday display.

2) It’s okay to leave Santa’s milk and cookies out in the dark. Unplug when you’re not using electronics. Even if your holiday lighting is off, it’s still sucking up electricity. As a matter of fact, the same goes for most electronics. We know, it’s annoying to go around unplugging this, that and everything else when all you want to do is curl up in your nice, warm bed. Invest in some power strips. That way, you just flip the switch and lights out, buster.

1) Enlist Santa’s favorite little helper: the swrm App! As mentioned earlier, among the most important pieces in the puzzle for a jolly season is pie. Um… food. Food is one of the great delights of the holidays. Get creative and have some fun with the swrm App as you prepare your special dinners. For example, if you’re a wiz in the kitchen, tell friends and family they can spend 100 kW in the market for the ingredients to their favorite dish.

There you have it. The top ten tips for an energy efficient winter. You can now hibernate in peace!