The ‘goodness’ premium. That’s just one name for the increased price of something which is sustainable or eco-friendly. But does this premium apply to everything environmentally minded? Or can you be sustainable while living on a budget.
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Feeling the Burn: Sunscreen & Sustainability

Less than 15 minutes. That’s the amount of time it can take the light emitted by the giant ball of fire in the sky we call the sun to begin burning human skin. Those ultraviolet rays (UVA and
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We all know that beauty comes at a price. But what we now have to realize is that it’s becoming more expensive for the planet than for our wallets. It’s no secret that the beauty industry can
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Every day, our world is getting bigger. Scientists make discoveries left and right that expand our horizons exponentially. Technological advances make it possible to dive deeper into the oceans, peer further into the cosmos and learn more
Read moreGetting to Market: The Winding Road of Food Miles
Buy Local: a piece of advice heard often without much second thought given as to whether or not it’s sound. Certainly, it makes a world of difference for local farmers and the community at large if you
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October is Energy Awareness Month! No surprise this is one of our favorite times of year at swrm. It conjures up images of leaves changing color, adding a smear of reds and yellows, browns and oranges to
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Repeating something over and again is a sure way to make it into the history books. Take, for example, one of the greatest tormentors known to mankind: the dreaded calorie. The term “calorie” was introduced into the
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The oft repeated phrase “water is life” speaks to the dependence that humanity has on this essential natural resource. Harnessing the power of water is a clear marker in the development of advanced civilizations- from the earliest
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