The Earth is hot. No, I’m not referring to Global Warming (not this time). The Earth is hot on the inside. How hot could it actually be, you ask? The inner core of the Earth is about
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Source Series: Bioenergy – are you wasting energy?

Bioenergy refers to the production of energy from biomass. And biomass is organic material which comes from plants and animals. This material contains stored energy from the sun. When biomass is burned, it releases the energy as
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We talked briefly about the immense amazingness of the ocean in our article Source Series: The Tides of Change. So we don’t need to remind you all of the incredible ecosystem which surrounds us (let me
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The ocean is a wondrous and awe-inspiring ecosystem. It covers most of our planet (71% of it…and let’s not forget that number is increasing)! The average depth of the ocean is nearly 2.5 miles, but the lowest
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Wind power is a renewable energy source which has been around forever (well, a very very long time). Wind powered machines have been grinding grains for more than 2 millennia. Windmills pumping water in the Netherlands prevented
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Water into wine. Impressive. Water into electricity…Planet Saving! Did you know that hydropower is actually the oldest form of renewable energy? We’ve been harnessing the power of water through water wheels and turbines for centuries. The Ancient
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The talk of the town is Renewables. Finally – am I right?! But let’s not dwell on the length of time it’s taken to get this conversation (almost) front and center, let’s just be glad it’s here
Read moreThe Source Series: The Challenge Facing Renewables
More and more companies are beginning to realize that consumers are no longer just buying products. In this day and age, a customer can walk down a grocery store aisle, pick up a ketchup bottle and run
Read moreThe Source Series: The Changing Landscape of Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels are the most used energy source on the planet. They are also far and away the least efficient. It may surprise some to find out that fossil fuels are, in the strictest sense of the
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