Energy Conservation Tips to Save You Money

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

These tips will help reduce your household energy consumption and therefore your energy costs…and that might currently be as important a thing as it’s ever been!

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Countdown to a Sustainable New Year

Countdown to a Sustainable New Year

Let’s countdown our faves from 2021 and take them with us into a more sustainable 2022!

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Renewable Energy Storage with Aidan Snyder of Orenda

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Today we’re talking with Aidan Snyder, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Orenda. Orenda is is working to implement energy storage technologies all across the US to help stabilize the transition to a renewable energy future.

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Sustainable September Wrap Up? Nope!

Sustainable September Wrap Up? Nope!

September’s over. But tomorrow’s a new day, the start of a new month, and a brand new opportunity to implement some of the sustainable living tips we’ve talked about for the last 30 days. So, here are some quick links to every day of our sustainability challenge so you can give it a go all over again!

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One Year Anniversary (and all the bloopers!)

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

One year ago, we launched our swrm YouTube channel. Since then, we’ve worked hard to bring you accurate and up to date buzz on climate change, renewable energy, and sustainability. And we promise to bring you so much more! Thanks for joining us on this amazing journey to a more sustainable way of life. We look forward to another year and always remember that transitioning to a sustainable lifestyle is habit changing and will take time. Reach out for support if you need to — the Hive has your back!

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Hydroelectric Power

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

In previous videos, we’ve talked about the sun, the wind, and even fossil fuels as renewable sources of energy. Today, we’re talking about the power of water.

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Chasing Windmills

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

There’s been a lot of talk in recent years about windmills — from causing cancer to decimating bird populations to producing air-polluting fumes. Today, Lexi chases down a few of those windmill rumors to see which ones are nothing but hot air.

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