Environmental & Sustainability Good News You May Have Missed in 2020

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.
Welcome back to the Hive for our last video installment of 2020. From kicking off the year with unprecedented wildfires in Australia to a global pandemic to fights for racial equality, contentious elections, worsening effects of climate change around the world, and now closing it out as the COVID19 pandemic continues to take lives and hold our lives hostage, we won’t be sorry to see the last of 2020. And while there’s no doubt it hasn’t been easy to look on the bright side, we wanted to share with you just a few of the environmental and sustainability successes of a year that might seem anything but successful.

Welcome back to the Hive for our last video installment of 2020. From kicking off the year with unprecedented wildfires in Australia to a global pandemic to fights for racial equality, contentious elections, worsening effects of climate change around the world, and now closing it out as the COVID19 pandemic continues to take lives and hold our lives hostage, we won’t be sorry to see the last of 2020. And while there’s no doubt it hasn’t been easy to look on the bright side, we wanted to share with you just a few of the environmental and sustainability successes of a year that might seem anything but successful.

This list is  absolutely not comprehensive, nor is it meant to dismiss what was an incredibly difficult year. Many of us have lost loved ones. Many of us are struggling. Many of us are sad, scared, and lonely. 2020 was brutal, but there were some incredible things that happened this year, that we can take heart from going into 2021. We are, have been, and always will be in this together. So stay safe, stay sustainable, and have a Happy New Year!