Solar energy can play a pivotal role in creating a more sustainable future. It is a truly renewable energy source that we cannot run out of, it can be harnessed in all areas of the world, and is available every day.
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Renewed Drive On Renewables

It would be easy to get lost in the barrage of negativity and bad news right now. But fear not, I have some good news for you today! We’ve done a round up of some of the places from across the globe who are holding steady on their course to a more sustainable future, even in these tumultuous times, by harnessing renewable energies. There are good, important and powerful (ahem) things happening in the renewable energy sector. Let’s take a quick trip round the world to see who’s doing what!
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Recently, we’ve talked about the sun, the wind, and even fossil fuels as renewable sources of energy. Today, we’re talking about the power of water.
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We talked briefly about the immense amazingness of the ocean in our article Source Series: The Tides of Change. So we don’t need to remind you all of the incredible ecosystem which surrounds us (let me
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The ocean is a wondrous and awe-inspiring ecosystem. It covers most of our planet (71% of it…and let’s not forget that number is increasing)! The average depth of the ocean is nearly 2.5 miles, but the lowest
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Wind power is a renewable energy source which has been around forever (well, a very very long time). Wind powered machines have been grinding grains for more than 2 millennia. Windmills pumping water in the Netherlands prevented
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