Is Solar Power Actually Sustainable?

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This isn’t a question of the sustainability of the power source, ie., the sun. Obviously, there’s no concerns there. But the sun’s radiative energy doesn’t just spontaneously provide power to switch on the lights, it requires some pretty specific, technical hardware. And one thing we all understand, is that anything we humans produce has a usage expiration date. So today, let’s take a look at solar power and sustainability.

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Renewable Energy Storage with Aidan Snyder of Orenda

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Today we’re talking with Aidan Snyder, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Orenda. Orenda is is working to implement energy storage technologies all across the US to help stabilize the transition to a renewable energy future.

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The best place for a solar farm is the desert, right?

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Today we’re talking about solar arrays, or farms. In order for them to generate enough energy to scale for widespread utility usage, they need land, and lots of it. But land is a precious commodity itself. So when we talk about building enormous solar farms on masses of uninhabitable desert, it seems like a no-brainer, right? Unfortunately, not quite…

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Sustainable Cities: Cincinnati

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We are very proud to be participating in SustainableCincy from Flywheel with the other fantastic members of a cohort of innovative startups working to improve sustainability in the region. So, to help celebrate we thought we could tell you why Cincinnati and the region is ranked the number one sustainable city in the US.

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Renewed Drive On Renewables

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Hey swrmers! Welcome back to the Hive. We know how easy is it to get lost in the barrage of negativity and bad news out there right now. Especially in terms of what’s happening to our planet–127 degrees in LA, anyone? We, however, have some good news to share! We’ve done a round up of some of the places from across the globe that are holding steady on their course to a more sustainable future by harnessing renewable energies. Let’s take a trip around the world and see what’s going on!

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Geothermal Energy

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Today, we’re talking about heat. The Earth is hot. And no, we’re not referring to Global Warming — at least, not this time. The Earth is hot on the inside. How hot could it actually be, you ask? The inner core of the Earth is almost 11 thousand degrees fahrenheit, which is as hot as the surface of the sun!

This heat provides Geothermal Energy: a constant supply of completely clean, sustainable energy!

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Hydroelectric Power

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In previous videos, we’ve talked about the sun, the wind, and even fossil fuels as renewable sources of energy. Today, we’re talking about the power of water.

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