Vote Like the Survival of Our Planet Depends On It


We often talk about the power of our vote to spur change in the world. We encourage you to vote for leaders who believe in science and want to ensure our planet remains habitable for all life on it. If there was ever a time to choose to use your power, now is it.

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Earth Day 50th Anniversary

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

April 22nd, 2020 marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day! Founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement – a movement spawned to give voice to emerging public consciousness and concern about the state of our planet.

We love our Earth. And we know you do, too! From the mountains, to the oceans, to the jungles, to the forests, to the plains, our planet is truly amazing.

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Giving Thanks Sustainably

Fall leaves on a table with berries and a glass lantern. Handwritten text, give thanks.

Thanksgiving is fast approaching in the United States and it’s time to think roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, family, football, food comas and over 293 million dollars of food waste

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How to live Carbon Neutral

How to live Carbon Neutral

Our journey to sustainability is full of challenges, excitement, stumbles and successes. Not everyone follows the same path but the goal is the same: to become Carbon Neutral. There are several variations on the definition, but essentially

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