Farming Part 2: Sustainable and Regenerative Agriculture

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Last week we discussed some of the problems with industrial agriculture. As the name implies, it’s all about doing things on a bigger scale, to obtain more of the thing we need: food. On the other hand, sustainable farming draws on a variety of different techniques, and its goal is to produce long-term crops while having minimal effects on the environment, and using resources more efficiently. But there’s a step even further, which is, arguably, what we should be aiming for, and that’s regenerative agriculture.

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Are you one of the hordes jumping on your new e-bike? If not….why not?!

man riding e-bike in the city

Looking for the environmental silver linings of the COVID-19 pandemic is not a new angle from here in The Hive. But I can’t think of another which offers an equally impressive positive outcome for your health too.

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Farming: The Good and the Bad Part 1

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Today is part one in a 2 part mini-series on agriculture. We’ll be exploring the old and industrial methods versus the new and regenerative methods of food production, to see which route we should be taking into the future. So come with us down to the farm and learn about these different approaches aiming for the same outcome – food production and profit.

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Solar Farms in the desert are a good thing, right?

Desert landscape

There can be no question that the human population are hesitant, to say the least, about dramatically changing our ways to consume less power. So it is with increasing fervor that we are looking for ways to

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Want to know how to succeed at New Year’s Resolutions?

Blanks notepad beside coffee and smartphone

Don’t make any. There…I said it. And it feels good to even say that out loud!! Let alone walk into 2021 without any resolutions on my brain. And you betcha…if you don’t make any, you won’t fail!

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The problem with Greenwashing, and how to spot it

Main painting a billboard green

You’ve probably noticed the sudden abundance of products which are eco-friendly, environmentally friendly, green, biodegradable, sustainable, natural, sourced sustainably, recycled, recyclable, compostable, and so on and so forth. There’s an exhausting list of terms which could be

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My Top 7 Sustainable Swaps – Tried and Tested!

Woman holding reusable shopping bag

It’s been a while since I’ve banged on about personal care and more sustainable choices in our normal every days lives. So here’s an update for you! Tried and tested products which I’ve been using as alternatives

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Lockdown & Carbon Emissions: The Truth of 2020

Signpost to Coronavirus or Climate

I’m sure I can’t be the only one who’s sick to the back teeth of the words ‘unprecedented’ and ‘uncertain’. The fact of the matter, despite my new personal aversion to such words, is that they’re on

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The Truth about EV’s

Electric vehicle being charged with love heart in the cable

It’s not surprising that there’s currently pretty hard working campaigning going on to discredit the energy efficiency and environmental benefits from introducing EV’s (Electric Vehicles). The smear campaigns focus on questioning the energy consumption and carbon footprint for the EV manufacturing process Vs the potential and hypothetical emissions savings by then driving such a vehicle. Talk to almost anyone on the street about their opinion on EVs and they’ll usually spruik concern about the precious metals required and manufacturing emissions. Not to say those concerns aren’t based on some sort of reality – but the naysayers have somewhat exaggerated the cons, and tried to hide to pros. Even the Union of Concerned Scientists have to acknowledge that manufacturing an EV will emit between 15% and 68% more carbon than producing a petroleum car of the equivalent size. But that’s only half the story. How do lifetime emissions differ?

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Your health, my health….Planetary Health?

Your health, my health….Planetary Health?

Planetary Health has been defined as “the health of human civilisations and the natural systems on which they depend.” To fully appreciate this concept, we need to acknowledge the powerful impacts which humans are having on the environment around us. The changes we are forcing upon climate, land, water, and ecosystems are all having repercussions in a far greater way than anyone could have imagined at the turn of the 21st century. We are making survival increasingly difficult, not just for nature around us, but for us also.

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