Even if you don’t “ocean wash” your jeans, your jeans are in the ocean

Person wearing blue denim jeans and hiking boots, only showing their legs as they look at a beach

Do you own a pair of jeans? Or two?? Most of the western world believes denim jeans to be a wardrobe staple; a fundamental item; a necessity. Denim jeans have often been quoted as the single most

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Want to know how to succeed at New Year’s Resolutions?

Blanks notepad beside coffee and smartphone

Don’t make any. There…I said it. And it feels good to even say that out loud!! Let alone walk into 2021 without any resolutions on my brain. And you betcha…if you don’t make any, you won’t fail!

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Besides carbon counting, here’s what you can do to shop sustainably

Black woman looking into shop windows

Grab some fantastic sustainable shopping advice from eco-warrior Lindsay Karlsen, from VALYOS – an online eco-friendly marketplace!

Why is sustainable shopping important? The global population is expected to rise to 8.5 billion people by 2030 with the middle class increasing by 3 billion people over the next 20 years. Since 1990 the amount of natural resources extracted per person has risen from 8.1 tonnes to almost 12 tonnes in 2015. That’s a huge increase in demand which will continue to put a strain on the planetary boundaries, if not addressed.

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Fashion. Do you prefer fast or slow?

Various tops and shirts on wooden clothes hangers on a rack

Everyone likes a new piece of clothing. Updating our wardrobes with seasonal, trendy, and inexpensive items is easier than ever. Today’s fashion may be fun and affordable, but its impact on the planet is tremendous. The fashion

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