Do you own a pair of jeans? Or two?? Most of the western world believes denim jeans to be a wardrobe staple; a fundamental item; a necessity. Denim jeans have often been quoted as the single most
Read morePersonal Care
8 Places You’d Be Surprised To Find Plastic…But It’s There!

One of the most challenging changes to make in our lives is removing plastic. But the thing is, it’s also one of the most impactful changes you can make!
Read moreMy Top 7 Sustainable Swaps – Tried and Tested!

It’s been a while since I’ve banged on about personal care and more sustainable choices in our normal every days lives. So here’s an update for you! Tried and tested products which I’ve been using as alternatives
Read morePlastic-Free Period

In the United States alone, approximately 12 billion pads and 7 billion tampons are discarded each year. Most of this ends up in landfill where it can take centuries to breakdown. Some ends up in our waterways and then washed up on our beaches. In fact, sanitary products are the fifth most common item found on Europe’s beaches, and are more widespread than single-use coffee cups, cutlery, or straws.
Read moreSustainable Period

Today we’re talking periods and plastic. Before you decide this doesn’t concern you as someone who doesn’t menstruate, stick around. This is a plastic pollution issue that concerns all of us. In the United States alone, approximately 12 billion pads and 7 billion tampons are discarded each year. Most of this ends up in landfill where it can take centuries to breakdown. Some ends up in our waterways and then washed up on our beaches – sanitary products are the fifth most common item found on Europe’s beaches, more widespread than single-use coffee cups, cutlery or straws.
Read moreThe Unwanted Renaissance of Single-Use Plastics

Plastics, and particularly single-use plastics, had been starting to decline in popularity all over the world. More and more countries have been introducing bans on plastic bags, plastic straws, plastic cutlery and so on, like France, Australia, England, 15 countries in Africa, China (who banned bags thinner than 35 microns in 2008, and are now going all in on plastic bags) and 8 states in the Unites States. But then 2020 came along, bringing COVID-19. Suddenly, here was an opportunity for purveyors of plastic to sneak the product back in front of us, under the guise of public health and safety. But is this based on science, or is it merely opportunistic fear mongering? We lay out some evidence and advice, and dispute some cheap tactics.
Read moreWho needs self care? YOU do!

Soooooo, the novelty has probably well and truly worn off of this isolation bit. But we’re all going to stick with it and #stayathome because we care. We care about our elderly relatives; we care about our front line health professionals (and their families); we care about the grocery store workers and their families; we care about the planet and this short respite she’s getting. But somewhere in there, we need to also keep caring about ourselves. If we’re in the position to stay at home and self-isolate, we’re in a privileged position, no doubt about it. But that’s not to say it’s not wearing us down. So here are 7 super easy, helpful, and all-natural DIY skincare recipes that you can pamper yourself with. And you probably don’t need to leave home for most of the ingredients! You’re welcome! 😉
Read moreApple cider vinegar conditioner & other sustainable personal care ideas!

Do you have dozens of beauty products adorning your bathroom shelves? You’re not alone. Every day, American women use on average 12 personal care items containing 168 chemicals, while men apply 6 skincare products with 85 potentially
Read moreShopping for Sustainable Products

We truly understand that being sustainable is daunting in lots of ways, and the perceived cost is high up on that list. Small and consistent steps, taken by a steadily growing number of people, is what we need to successfully transition to a sustainable planet.
Read moreFashion. Do you prefer fast or slow?

Everyone likes a new piece of clothing. Updating our wardrobes with seasonal, trendy, and inexpensive items is easier than ever. Today’s fashion may be fun and affordable, but its impact on the planet is tremendous. The fashion
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