Let us introduce you to a company dedicated to making solar power accessible, to help build a brighter tomorrow.
Read moreSolar Energy
Energy Future and Climate Change

To mitigate the anthropogenic impact on climate change, it’s imperative to optimize the energy sector and our use of energy. Here, we explore possibilities.
Read moreIs Solar Power Actually Sustainable?

This isn’t a question of the sustainability of the power source, ie., the sun. Obviously, there’s no concerns there. But the sun’s radiative energy doesn’t just spontaneously provide power to switch on the lights, it requires some pretty specific, technical hardware. And one thing we all understand, is that anything we humans produce has a usage expiration date. So today, let’s take a look at solar power and sustainability.
Read moreThe best place for a solar farm is the desert, right?

Today we’re talking about solar arrays, or farms. In order for them to generate enough energy to scale for widespread utility usage, they need land, and lots of it. But land is a precious commodity itself. So when we talk about building enormous solar farms on masses of uninhabitable desert, it seems like a no-brainer, right? Unfortunately, not quite…
Read moreHow sustainable is solar, really?

This isn’t a question of the sustainability of the power source, ie., the sun. Obviously, there’s no concerns there. But the sun’s radiative energy doesn’t spontaneously provide power to switch on the lights, it requires some pretty
Read moreSolar Farms in the desert are a good thing, right?

There can be no question that the human population are hesitant, to say the least, about dramatically changing our ways to consume less power. So it is with increasing fervor that we are looking for ways to
Read more5 New Clean Tech Innovations

There is no doubt in my mind that the human species can figure out a way to slow, or perhaps even stop, the Earth’s rapid descent into an uninhabitable, hot mess of a wasteland. Humans were the
Read moreRenewed Drive On Renewables

It would be easy to get lost in the barrage of negativity and bad news right now. But fear not, I have some good news for you today! We’ve done a round up of some of the places from across the globe who are holding steady on their course to a more sustainable future, even in these tumultuous times, by harnessing renewable energies. There are good, important and powerful (ahem) things happening in the renewable energy sector. Let’s take a quick trip round the world to see who’s doing what!
Read moreThe beat goes on – the music industry’s role in climate change

Music is very often a salve for the soul. It’s what we turn to both to reflect our mood and to try to change it. We can all name an artist or song which has left an
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