If you’re thinking about starting a business, why not make it sustainable? Building sustainability practices into your business can benefit your company in numerous ways. Today, consumers are eager to support businesses that are making efforts to protect our planet, and you can gain a strong competitive edge by embracing the green movement. Join the likes of green business founders like Yvon Chouinard of Patagonia and Anders Ankarlid of A Good Company and watch your business thrive!
Today, swrm will walk you through some of the steps you will need to take to build and market your first green business.
Sustainability Opportunities for Your Business
There are many ways to build a green business. You can focus on reducing your carbon footprint, sourcing recycled materials, encouraging customers to make green choices, or even base your entire business model around sustainability. As you prepare your business for launch, assess your business’s carbon footprint by carrying out a server estate energy audit. Working remotely is a great way to cut down your emissions, both from using utilities and commuting. You can even launch your business on the cloud to optimize your use of energy.

As you grow your business, look at business opportunities through a green lens. Evaluate the environmental impact of growth avenues and limit yourself to business moves that align with your sustainability initiatives. As an eco-friendly business, it’s important to prioritize the planet over profits!
Funding Your Green Business
While many business owners are wary of the financial cost of going green, building a sustainable business from the start can actually save your company a lot of money:
- Limiting your energy usage will reduce your utility bills.
- Building a remote business can save you money on employees.
- Eco-friendly workspaces can reduce employee turnover.
- Recycled and reclaimed materials tend to be more affordable.
- A green reputation is always good for business.
If you need funding to get off the ground, going green can help you encourage people to crowdfund your business. You can also look for angel investors who have a strong interest in supporting eco-friendly companies.
Marketing for Sustainable Businesses
Attracting eco-conscious consumers to your green business is easy with the right marketing approach. Just be sure to avoid greenwashing in your advertising pursuits. Greenwashing occurs when companies make misleading sustainability claims that don’t reflect their actions. Green Business Bureau suggests avoiding greenwashing by earning third-party green business certification and providing solid evidence to support your claims.

When you’re coming up with marketing material, focus on the key environmental issues that are closely related to your business. These are likely to resonate with your customers the most. For example, if you’re launching a renewable energy company, talk about how many tons of carbon emissions your customers can avoid through your services instead of advertising all the ways your employees keep waste out of the landfill.
Also, don’t get so wrapped up in digital marketing that you forget the benefits of some traditional approaches. For instance, there’s a lot to be said for an old-fashioned business card. In fact, supplementing digital marketing with something more tactile is a great way to make a lasting impression – and thanks to these free business card design templates, it’s easier than ever. Then you can find a green printing service or someone using recycled cotton for business cards!
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Greenwashing isn’t the only mistake you can make as an eco-friendly business owner. As you get your business off the ground, you also have to be careful to avoid other common missteps. For example, BtrLyf explains that many business owners consider their company sustainable after a single green fundraiser or employee recycling campaign. But sustainability is a long-term, ongoing commitment. Always keep an eye out for new opportunities to put people and the planet first!
In a competitive business environment, gaining traction as a new startup can be challenging. Fortunately, building sustainability into your new business is good for your profits and the planet. It’s a win-win! Think about the environmental causes you want to support with your business and start formulating your green business plan!
swrm is the place to get support and information as you transition to a more sustainable lifestyle; learn about climate change; and join a growing community of people, like you, wanting to help save the planet! If you have any questions, let us know!
Tina Martin started her career in business administration but eventually decided to pursue something that actually inspired her: becoming a personal fitness instructor. After realizing that personal improvement is about more than just physical health she became a life coach and never looked back. She started ideaspired.com as a side project to reach as many people as possible and encourage them to put their dreams first.