31 million people in America are entrepreneurs, which equates to 16 percent of the adult workforce. So YOU could be starting a business one day. 5.4 million new businesses were started in 2021 just in the US. 99% of the firms across the US are small businesses, employing 59 million adults. So if you’re not planning on becoming an entrepreneur, the chances of you working for one is relatively high. It’s becoming more obvious that it’s not enough for a business to make money. It must do so in an environmentally responsible and ethical way. Building sustainability practices into your business, or the one you work for, can benefit the company in numerous ways. Today, consumers are eager to support businesses that are making efforts to protect our planet, and you can gain a strong competitive edge by embracing the green movement. Join the likes of green business founders like Yvon Chouinard of Patagonia and Anders Ankarlid of A Good Company and watch your business thrive! So what are some of the opportunities for embedding sustainability into your business, or the one you work for? Tune into this video to find out how to greenify your business!