Today we are going to look at water. H2O. Specifically, what type of emissions are produced bringing this elixir of life into our lives. As our population increases, we need to learn how to adapt to sharing our limited freshwater resources. Water is essential for life and providing access that is more sustainable makes sense.
Read moreCarbon Emissions
The Carbon Market Explained

The carbon market has the potential to continue to increase the speed with which we embrace renewable energies. But what exactly is it and how does it work?
Read moreThe Carbon Footprint of Concrete

Today, we’re talking about the heavy carbon footprint of concrete.
Read moreDo Tiny Houses Allow You to Have Bigger Dreams?

We’ve had a request to take a look at the Tiny House Movement, so that’s exactly what we’re doing. What is a tiny house, why would you want one, and why it might not be the best choice, or even possible, for you. Despite the tiny size of the houses, there’s a lot to unpack here!
Read moreHow Can Global Warming Make it Snow?

We’re sure you recall the power outages which were caused by unprecedented cold, snow, and freezing temperatures in Texas. And you might have noticed that climate skeptics suggest that this disproves global warming once and for all. But in fact, global warming leading to record low temperatures makes perfect sense.
Read moreThe Carbon Footprint of the Military

Welcome back to the Hive, swrmers. Today, we’re going to take a look at the military-industrial complex through sustainability glasses.
Read moreWelcome to the Concrete Jungle

Did you know that concrete is the most commonly used building material on the planet?
Read moreClimate Science: Our Bleak Future in a Changed Climate

This week we take a look at the worst case scenario for our planet of the devastating effects of climate change if we do not curb our current rate of carbon emissions.
Read moreTop Ten Sustainability Tips for Right NOW

Today, swrmers, we’re going to give you some straight up, achievable actions to get you skipping along that path to your most sustainable self. This is our Top 10 list of what you can do TODAY to make a positive difference. They range from super simple to more time consuming, but they’re all important and importantly, absolutely doable!
Read moreClimate Science: A Sustainable Transition

This week we look at some of the basic information that everyone should understand in order to transition to a sustainable lifestyle.
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