Countdown to a Sustainable New Year

Countdown to a Sustainable New Year

Let’s countdown our faves from 2021 and take them with us into a more sustainable 2022!

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The Carbon Footprint of Water

Water running over cupped hands.

Today we are going to look at water. H2O. Specifically, what type of emissions are produced bringing this elixir of life into our lives. As our population increases, we need to learn how to adapt to sharing our limited freshwater resources. Water is essential for life and providing access that is more sustainable makes sense.

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7 Proven Tips for a Simply Sustainable Thanksgiving

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Thanksgiving is looking more than a little different this year. As COVID infection rates are rising in the US and elsewhere, and travel and gathering bans are in effect, we not have only have sustainability on our mind for our planet, but also for everyone’s health and safety. So please, be respectful of your region’s travel and gathering restrictions. Wear a mask. And while it may be a little disappointing to have to modify some traditions, think of it this way: keeping it local and tight-knit is actually more sustainable. You’ll save the emissions from transportation, it’s easier to buy less for fewer guests which will mean less food waste, and staying local means your opportunity to buy local is increased.

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Sustainable September Wrap Up? Nope!

Sustainable September Wrap Up? Nope!

September’s over. But tomorrow’s a new day, the start of a new month, and a brand new opportunity to implement some of the sustainable living tips we’ve talked about for the last 30 days. So, here are some quick links to every day of our sustainability challenge so you can give it a go all over again!

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The CO2 of H2O

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Welcome to the Hive from home, QuarantineTV Edition! Today, we’re talking about water. Specifically, what type of emissions are produced bringing this magical elixir into and out of our lives. As our population increases, we need to learn how to adapt to sharing our limited freshwater resources. Water is essential to life on Earth, and providing access that is more sustainable just makes sense.

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