Breeding Vs Sustainability

parents and baby feet form the end of a bed

Population control is an increasingly common debate I’m seeing pop up on forums, FaceBook groups and the like. Some particularly hard line folks contest that anyone who is truly an ‘environmentalist’ or ‘fighting climate change’ or ‘leading a sustainable life’ is simply not going to procreate. But I have two delightful, tenacious, challenging little girls. And as an ‘environmentalist’ and co-founder of a company aimed at helping direct people along a path toward sustainability, I will not concede that having children puts me at odds with those things. In fact, the idea that climate change is bringing a far less comfortable world to live in for all the children of the world, is 100% motivating. And this is 100% necessary to grab hold of, instead of guilt at bringing children into this world. So, the idea of this piece is to look at taking a practical approach for maintaining a sustainable lifestyle for those of us who already have (or who will have) children.

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