Volcanic eruptions are often discussed in relation to climate change because they release CO2 (and other gases) into our atmosphere. The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens shot about 10 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere in 9 hours. It currently takes humanity only 2.5 hours to put out the same amount.
Read moreAuthor: Chrystal and Ben
A Year in Sustainability

Let’s take a look back at what happened in sustainability news in 2021.
Read moreCountdown to a Sustainable New Year

Let’s countdown our faves from 2021 and take them with us into a more sustainable 2022!
Read moreSustainability and Santa’s Carbon Footprint

Today, just for fun, let’s take a look at what some of the emissions for Santa’s workshop and global sleigh-driven present distribution might look like.
Read moreCarbon Emissions and LCAs

As with most global issues, climate change is complex. The science, the causes and consequences, and potential solutions all have a wide range of understanding. So, it’s no surprise that trying to make sense of how to transition to a more sustainable lifestyle is also very complex.
Read moreThe IPCC AR6 Report

to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change to date. It brings together the latest advances in climate science and combines multiple lines of evidence from paleoclimate, observations, process understanding, and global/regional climate simulations.
Read moreThe Carbon Footprint of Water

Today we are going to look at water. H2O. Specifically, what type of emissions are produced bringing this elixir of life into our lives. As our population increases, we need to learn how to adapt to sharing our limited freshwater resources. Water is essential for life and providing access that is more sustainable makes sense.
Read moreThe Carbon Footprint of the Military

Welcome back to the Hive, swrmers. Today, we’re going to take a look at the military-industrial complex through sustainability glasses.
Read moreWho’s Out There Fighting for Our Planet?

While our politicians argue and fight over climate policy, not all of us can jump on a plane to Cancun when the reality of the climate crisis hits. Thankfully, we don’t have to wait for individual politicians to look out for our future. A number of public and private organizations have taken up the mantle to move forward on education, new technology, and sustainable policy.
Read moreClimate Science: What’s So Good About a Sustainable Future?

This week in our climate science series we take a look at the best case scenario for our planet if everyone prioritizes a transition to sustainability.
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