To mitigate the anthropogenic impact on climate change, it’s imperative to optimize the energy sector and our use of energy. Here, we explore possibilities.
Read moreGlobal Warming
Climate History dates back further than you think

We felt it timely to reground ourselves in why we take the actions we take to help mitigate the climate crisis. In a word, it’s science. And climate Science has been around for hundreds of years!
Read moreDo you know the comprehensive history of climate science?

Climate science is not new. In fact, it’s been around for hundreds of years! Let’s do some time travel and explore the comprehensive history of climate science. Let’s see what climate science theories hold up, 250+ years later.
Read moreThe IPCC: act now before the window of opportunity closes

Thousands of scientists, industry and economic experts have penned the latest IPCC report. It comes with a warning: the window of opportunity for climate action is closing.
Read moreSoil: an undervalued and important resource on Earth

Soil is as necessary for human life as oxygen. It’s absolutely vital for food security and carbon sequestration. Come explore this undervalued and important resource with us.
Read moreWorsening hurricane season and global warming…is there a link?

We’re exploring tropical storms, which are called hurricanes, cyclones or typhoons, depending on where in the world you live. No matter their name, they are often deadly and always extremely costly. And unfortunately, we’re experiencing more and more of them. Even more worrying, however, is that their intensity is increasing, and the speed at which they intensify is increasing…meaning we have less time for evacuations.
Read more6 arguments from climate delayers/doomers/skeptics…and how to deal with them

It’s hard to believe that there are still people at large who think the climate crisis is a hoax. But then, there are people who think the Earth is flat, and that COVID-19 is a power-play by
Read moreScientists make for powerful activists

There are fewer and fewer places to hide from the stark (read: completely terrifying!) reality of the worsening climate crisis. The facts are in. The science is, surely, at this point, indisputable. There has been a very
Read moreDo Volcanoes Contribute to Global Warming?

Volcanic eruptions are often discussed in relation to climate change because they release CO2 (and other gases) into our atmosphere. The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens shot about 10 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere in 9 hours. It currently takes humanity only 2.5 hours to put out the same amount.
Read moreWas COP26 really a cop out? Here’s the good and not-so-good outcomes.

We’ve been hearing some pretty scathing reviews of the most recent Conference Of the Parties meeting in Glasgow. But is this fair? There were some great outcomes – but yes, some which weren’t so great too. So
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