Climate History dates back further than you think

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

We felt it timely to reground ourselves in why we take the actions we take to help mitigate the climate crisis. In a word, it’s science. And climate Science has been around for hundreds of years!

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3.9 Billion Years of Climate History… in about 5 minutes

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about climate change. But did you know that our planet’s climate has been changing for billions of years? In the latest from the Hive, we’re talking about climate change history. Check it out!

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History: Who’s Who in Pioneering Climate Change Science Understanding

History: Who’s Who in Pioneering Climate Change Science Understanding

So, we’ve examined the history of the Earth’s climate and how climatic changes impacted earlier civilizations. But when did we first begin to actually learn about and understand our climate?

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History: Real World Consequences of Our Changing Climate

History: Real World Consequences of Our Changing Climate

This week we take a look into the shorter history of changes to our climate throughout the history of humans.

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