Climate History dates back further than you think

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

We felt it timely to reground ourselves in why we take the actions we take to help mitigate the climate crisis. In a word, it’s science. And climate Science has been around for hundreds of years!

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Do you know the comprehensive history of climate science?

Landscape image of very blue glacier over still water

Climate science is not new. In fact, it’s been around for hundreds of years! Let’s do some time travel and explore the comprehensive history of climate science. Let’s see what climate science theories hold up, 250+ years later.

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Carbon Emissions Measurements – why is this so hard?

Carbon Emissions Measurements – why is this so hard?

Every good story needs a villain. And our human story on this Blue Marble certainly has one: carbon dioxide. Like any well written villain, ours is not one dimensional: there is good and bad within the villain’s

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History: Who’s Who in Pioneering Climate Change Science Understanding

History: Who’s Who in Pioneering Climate Change Science Understanding

So, we’ve examined the history of the Earth’s climate and how climatic changes impacted earlier civilizations. But when did we first begin to actually learn about and understand our climate?

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