Land degradation is more dangerous to our future than you might think

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

We’re exploring land degradation today – what it is, what can cause it, what the impacts are, and most importantly, what we can do to prevent it!

The soil beneath our feet is valuable in so many ways. And we need to treat it as such. So join us as we discuss this pressing issue facing our beautiful planet.

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Soil is more than the dirt under our feet

Low angle shot of soil ready for a crop to be planted

Soil might not be sexy, but it’s as necessary for human life on Earth as oxygen. It isn’t obvious to look at, but soil is alive. A thriving community. In 1 teaspoon of healthy soil there are

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What’s the deal with Industrial Agriculture?

Huge field of corn

Agriculture is a necessity for life, which is why it is one of the most common professions in the world. Around 27% (2 billion people) of the world’s population are directly involved in agriculture. Over the last

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Land Degradation

Land Degradation

Whenever we talk about the Climate Crisis, the first issues mentioned are usually about reducing our carbon footprint, living sustainably, removing fossil fuels and transitioning to renewable energy. Very rarely does anyone immediately think of how our

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