How to be more socially minded on social media

social media connection between people, vector graphic

Looking to spend less time mindlessly scrolling on social media? Want to spend more time learning about environmental issues and how to live a more sustainable life? Make your scrolling meaningful and fill your feeds with these great sustainability minded social media accounts. (And because you’re reading this, we probably don’t need to remind that our App and socials are updated regularly with interesting and helpful content too). Whether you vibe on tweeting, gramming or facebooking, you’ll find some inspiration and motivation below.


Monterey Bay Aquarium fills your feed with jokes, pics, and of course fun facts about the ocean. But not all facts about climate change are fun. 

They are also the ocean friendly powerhouse being Seafood Watch. A guide to eating fish sustainably. We actually featured it in this article on Apps. Follow them on Twitter to get your daily dose of dining deets. 

Shed your social media of those that make you jealous and follow those who inspire. 

Dr. Jonathan Foley is on a mission to save the world. He is the Executive Director of Project Drawdown, an organizing focusing on solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

His feed is filled with calls to action, advice, and news about climate change. 

Greta Thunberg 

The Swedish teen stole the world’s attention with her powerful speeches and calls to action in front of some of the most powerful politicians in the world. At only 16 years old, she’s become the face of the modern movement to fight climate change. 

Looking for other climate leaders of tomorrow? Scroll no further than the Clean Energy Leadership Institute. The institute organizes and develops the next generation of sustainable and clean energy leaders. They offer forums, outings and so much more. 


Looking to add some good to your gram? Follow these accounts to learn more about sustainability and to brighten your feed with food for thought. 

BioGraphic, from the California Academy of Sciences features incredible photos and inspiring stories from nature and sustainability. Learn more about our natural world and how to take care of it. 

Joel Sartore

The world famous nature photographer naturally has an awe inspiring feed. Fall in love with the biodiversity of this world and learn how to save species along the way. 

Plastic Free July

While July is almost over, it’s never to late to challenge your own use of single-use plastics. This account offers tips and community for year-round support of a more sustainable lifestyle.

Plastic Tides is a non-profit started by people passionate about watersports and conservation. Seeing the effects of pollution up close, spurred this group into action. They now raise awareness and solutions through their social media campaigns. 

Looking to buy plastic free products? Look no further than EcoRoots. A sustainable lifestyle brand with ethical, reusable, and plastic free products. Plus their gram is uber-stylish. 


Follow the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development to keep abreast of climate news and how the world’s leaders are acting NOW to protect our planet. 

UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability highlights the link between climate and our health. With articles on sea level rise, smog, and more, their page helps center the human cost of harming our planet. 

We all spend so much time with our heads bowed to smartphone technology, we hope this guide will help you find some deeper meaning from it all.