App MVP Launch

App MVP Launch

App MVP Launch

New York City – October 12, 2018 Edwel Energy is announcing today that testing begins on their revolutionary new App that tracks energy consumption of the life cycle energy used by consumer products. The App can track how much energy is being consumed dependent on what the user purchases, where they purchase from and where the product was manufactured. It will also monitor your energy footprint based on the car you drive or other mode of transport such as taking a bus or train. It even lets you know how much you can save by walking or riding a bicycle. This App provides a much needed way of measuring your carbon footprint, in a completely comprehensive way. There are also up to date articles providing education and information on sustainability, renewable energies, wider environmental issues and current affairs from within this space. The company aims to empower individuals with the information they need, in an accessible fashion, to be environmentally responsible. Up to this point, the carbon footprint data on consumer goods and services has been deeply buried and difficult to access and interpret. But because the products we buy actually make up almost 1/3 of our total carbon footprint,  without this data, no one can achieve a more sustainable lifestyle.

About Edwel EnergyA New Way To Save The Planet

Edwel Energy is a company dedicated to reducing global demand for non renewable energy sources through the educating individuals and companies. Enamored by our company logo, the honey bee, one of natures most energy efficient super-organisms, we believe that through education, people will change their own habits to become more aware of the energy process map. Our Energy calculator can comparatively show you the easiest ways to reduce energy consumption. Our articles are a resource to find out more information to make more informed choices.


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