What’s in a name? New branding REVEALED!

Grass question mark on top of gravel with swrm bee logo

New York City – April 9, 2019 – It is with much excitement that today Edwel Energy has launched a re-branding for the company! Benjamin Gilkes, Founder, states “We realized that the name ‘Edwel Energy’ didn’t really represent our company mission or identity”. He went on to explain that the original motivation for starting the company was to engage with people about energy, energy efficiency and the move away from fossil fuels to renewables energy sources. But he soon understood that people wanted more than this, as there was more missing from people’s general comprehension of climate change. “The problem is bigger than simply finding alternative energy sources”, he said. “We recognize that sustainability covers energy, but isn’t limited to only this aspect of life on this planet. We needed to broaden our scope to make sure we were relevant to people and actually helped provide the solution we set out to”.

swrm logo

So Benjamin and Chrystal proudly introduce ‘swrm’! “The honey bee is our muse based on this superorganism being one of the most efficient creatures on the planet, and at the end of the day, sustainability is largely about being efficient with resources”, Chrystal said. Ben added “We also want to mimic their way of living in a communicative and effective community. We want to create a huge global community of people focused on living sustainably and helping to abate climate change…without us all working towards this goal together, we may well fail”.

swrm are still working with the MVP of the App, and gaining valuable insights from their users. To recap on what this App is, Ben said “It’s a way of the user measuring their carbon footprint. They can monitor the carbon footprint from their household, commute and grocery purchases, in order to know where they can start reducing it”.  The user MVP feedback will be used to ensure that the full version of the App provides what people are after.

swrm see themselves as filling a pretty big gap in the market, so are striving to be the best they can for the consumer. Thankfully all these planned updates won’t change the fact that the App is free to download and free to use. The primary goal of the App is to let users know how they can transition to a more sustainable lifestyle. Second to that, the App will help drive the sustainability efforts of manufacturers and retailers globally, as there’ll be an obvious and large desire for this demonstrated by the App users.

We want to create a huge global community of people focused on living sustainably and helping to abate climate change.

Stay tuned for the official launch of the full version of the swrm App so you can start your journey to sustainability! In the meantime, you can add your name to the waiting list from a link on their website (under the ‘Company and Team Bio’ button), so you get a head start.


About swrm

Headshot of Benjamin Gilkes, Founder of swrm
Founder, Benjamin Gilkes

Founded in 2017, swrm is dedicated to enabling human sustainability for the future of this planet. Currently, something missing from facilitating this is consumer awareness on energy utilization in the production, transport, use and disposal of consumer goods. It is only with more transparency and accurate data that consumers can make the best choices to reduce their carbon footprint. swrm is determined that their App will help individuals become more sustainable. And with that, manufacturing companies will be motivated to move towards renewable energy sources, and operate their business in a more sustainable fashion.