Full App Launch!

swrm App home screen

New York City – August 1, 2019swrm is proud to announce the launch of the full version of their smartphone App! This first of its kind App is designed to enable consumers to make smarter purchasing decisions based on the carbon footprint of goods.

“72% of Americans are worried about climate change and are looking for ways to reduce their energy and carbon footprint” stated Founder and Director, Benjamin Gilkes.

swrm is concerned that people don’t know how to reduce their carbon footprint – there’s not enough easy to digest, accessible information. “We are filling this gap,” Benjamin explains. The App allows you to scan items you wish to purchase (nearly 3 million products are currently in the database) and compare their carbon footprint – so you can purchase the one which is the most environmentally responsible.

swrm App screen shot

The swrm App also includes a way to track the carbon footprint of your daily activities. Some of these activities include: commuting to work via car, train, subway, cycling or walking; using and charging personal devices such as an iPad, smartphone or laptop; putting a load of clothes through a washer and/or dryer; and will all be added to your carbon footprint. The App will also show you the benefits of buying locally sourced, seasonal produce. Never before have consumers been so well equipped to make environmentally and socially responsible choices.

In addition to the very functional elements of the App, there is a fun gamification side to it. You can compare your carbon footprint with local averages, as well as create groups, called ‘Hives’ with your friends, so you’re able to motivate each other to stay on track for reducing your carbon footprint. This not only adds healthy competition, but swrm are currently in talks with various producers of sustainable goods and services to partner and provide giveaways and discount coupons for individuals and Hives who are performing very well.

To complete the goal of swrm to fill knowledge gaps, the App provides easy to read, informative articles on environmental, sustainability and energy utilization related topics, and a link to their YouTube channel.

But the best part? This App is completely FREE to download and use! Currently available on the iOS platform, search the App store for ‘swrm’. Don’t worry if you’re an Android user, there are plans to develop this version soon. You can join the waiting list on their website for this, to make sure you’re the first to know when you can access it.


About swrm

Headshot of Benjamin Gilkes, Founder of swrm
Founder, Benjamin Gilkes

Founded in 2017, swrm is dedicated to enabling human sustainability for the future of this planet. Currently, something missing from facilitating this is consumer awareness on energy utilization in the production, transport, use and disposal of consumer goods. It is only with more transparency and accurate data that consumers can make the best choices to reduce their carbon footprint. swrm is determined that their App will help individuals become more sustainable. And with that, manufacturing companies will be motivated to move towards renewable energy sources, and operate their business in a more sustainable fashion.