What you need to know about the Infrastructure Bill – from a Climate Perspective

New York City riverside

There sure was a lot of talk about this Bill for a long time before anything happened. But on November 15th 2021, the highly anticipated $1.2 Trillion bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) was passed into

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Renewable Fossil Fuels

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

What if we could pull fuel right out of thin air? Imagine a world where we could take all of that excess carbon choking our atmosphere and convert it to fuel… a total game changer! Capturing existing emissions from fossil-fueled combustion and repurposing them for a secondary use would cut CO2 emissions by as much as 90%!

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Top 10 Sustainability Myths

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

With the rise of the Internet and the age of the smartphone, information is now at the tip of our fingers 24 hours a day. But this has also given rise to a ton of misinformation. Unfortunately, poorly researched news articles and sensationalism are now the norm for even mainstream media. So, today we’re taking a look at some of the most common myths about our favorite subject: sustainability.

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