The Link Between Climate Change and Gender Equity

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Today, we’re discussing the undeniable link between the gender equality movement and that of climate change action or, in fact, the fight for climate justice. Climate action truly is climate justice because it represents the fight for justice for every living thing on the planet, and indeed the planet itself.  

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Sustainability and Justice

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

In 2015, the Sustainable Development, or Global Goals, were adopted by the 193 United Nations member states with the landmark 2030 Agenda. These goals are a universal call to action by all countries – rich, poor, and middle-income – to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that every human being enjoys peace and prosperity by 2030.

The 2030 Agenda and the SDGs are ultimately about what makes us human, and are a roadmap to building a sustainable future in the world with care and compassion for each other, and care and compassion for the Earth.

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