Here’s Part 2 of our Sustainable Shopping Guide! We’re going to help get you on the sustainable living path in a way that’s also sustainable for your wallet. Previously, we talked about some sustainable swaps for personal care items. Today Lexi’s gonna run down some sustainable swaps for your home.
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Sustainably Sweet

What do we humans consume globally to the tune of 7.2 million metric tons and almost 90 billion dollars every year? What delicious food’s history dates all the way back to 450 BC and the Aztec Empire? What food had so many new types launched in 2008 that an average of one new product was brought to market every hour?
Read moreCheers to Sustainability

No conversation about sustainable consumption would be complete without turning our heads towards, (or maybe, lifting our glasses for) what we drink. We often consider the health ramifications of imbibing responsibly on our bodies, but it’s time we start considering that responsible drinking includes understanding the ramifications for our environment, as well.
Read moreThe Real Cost of Everything

The price of goods and services has been changing ever since the invention of money. When exactly that was is based on conjecture, as money was invented long before written text, but value of goods has always
Read moreSustainable Apartment Life

Wondering how to be more sustainable as a renter? There are most definitely things you can do to make apartment living eco-friendlier wherever you are, and today, we’ve put together some helpful hints to get you on your way!
Read moreFarm to Table to…Trash?

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, an estimated 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted globally each year – one third of all food produced for human consumption.
Read moreA Greener Happy Holiday

‘Tis the season for shopping and presents, stuffing our faces and traveling to far places! But have you ever thought about how all of that holiday cheer increases your Carbon Footprint? Between buying, wrapping, traveling, festive lights, decorative trees, and celebrating, the end of year holidays substantially increase the amount of waste and electricity we generate which in turn, substantially increases our Carbon Footprints.
Read moreTop 10 Sustainability Myths

With the rise of the Internet and the age of the smartphone, information is now at the tip of our fingers 24 hours a day. But this has also given rise to a ton of misinformation. Unfortunately, poorly researched news articles and sensationalism are now the norm for even mainstream media. So, today we’re taking a look at some of the most common myths about our favorite subject: sustainability.
Read moreShopping for Sustainable Products

We truly understand that being sustainable is daunting in lots of ways, and the perceived cost is high up on that list. Small and consistent steps, taken by a steadily growing number of people, is what we need to successfully transition to a sustainable planet.
Read moreThe Carbon Footprint of Entertainment

Watching sports, checking out a live show, binge watching your favorite series, today, Lexi breaks down the Carbon Footprint of your favorite entertainment!
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