8 Surprising Places You’ll Find Plastic

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8 Surprising Places You’ll Find Plastic

While we’re all working on living our lives more sustainably, it seems one of the most challenging changes to make in our lives is removing plastic. The problems with plastic start with its very production, since it’s made with petroleum, and go straight through to its end of life….well, to be more accurate, the fact there IS no end of life for the stuff! It hangs around for hundreds of years, just getting sheared or shaved or worn into smaller and smaller pieces, and ultimately ending up in our food chain and ergo, in us. And while it is getting easier and easier to avoid obvious plastics, like single-use water bottles, straws, and grocery bags, there are places where plastic lurks completely out of sight.

So, today, we’ve got a list of things to try to cut out of your life to avoid plastic inadvertently sneaking in there.