Easy Moving Tips and Hacks for Your Most Sustainable Move

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Today, we’re talking about moving. According to the US Census Bureau, almost 10% of all Americans move house in the United States every year. And that moving generates an enormous amount of waste in the form of boxes, packing materials, food waste, and assorted garbage. So what’s an eco-conscious sustainability warrior to do?

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Greenwashing: Smoke, Mirrors, and Lies, Oh My!

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Greenwashing is the process of conveying a false impression or providing misleading information about how a company’s products are environmentally sound. There are many different ways that a company can greenwash their product or image. The marketing by massive corporations is done by very smart people with enormous budgets, so there’s no shame in having fallen for greenwashing. But we’re here to help make sure it doesn’t happen again!

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Pollinator Habitats with Brandon Reynolds, Founder of B the Keeper

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

B the Keeper provides residential and corporate landscaping services to create habitats for pollinators using native plants. Creating landscapes with native, pollinator-friendly plants is an important part of preserving bee, butterfly, and other pollinator populations that are critical to the stability of our food supply chain and air quality.

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Environmental & Sustainability Good News You May Have Missed in 2020

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Welcome back to the Hive for our last video installment of 2020. From kicking off the year with unprecedented wildfires in Australia to a global pandemic to fights for racial equality, contentious elections, worsening effects of climate change around the world, and now closing it out as the COVID19 pandemic continues to take lives and hold our lives hostage, we won’t be sorry to see the last of 2020. And while there’s no doubt it hasn’t been easy to look on the bright side, we wanted to share with you just a few of the environmental and sustainability successes of a year that might seem anything but successful.

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Countdown with the Hive to a New Year

New Year's Eve

Let’s take a look back on 2020 with a mind toward what we will accomplish together in 2021!

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Keeping it Sustainable This Holiday Season, The Top Ten

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

We hope your holiday season is off to a great start and you’ve taken a moment to enjoy the gorgeous lights, décor, and changing seasons around you. If 2020 has taught us anything, taking time to appreciate and be grateful for the little things and, more substantially, the people in our lives and what truly makes us happy is more important than ever. And with that in mind, today we’re going to get into some tips for how to get through this holiday season more thoughtfully and more sustainably.

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Natural Resources: What is the Earth Running Out Of?

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Today, we’re talking about resources. Specifically, non-renewable resources or finite resources which cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a quick enough pace to keep up with our current rates of consumption.

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