7 Proven Tips for a Simply Sustainable Thanksgiving

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Thanksgiving is looking more than a little different this year. As COVID infection rates are rising in the US and elsewhere, and travel and gathering bans are in effect, we not have only have sustainability on our mind for our planet, but also for everyone’s health and safety. So please, be respectful of your region’s travel and gathering restrictions. Wear a mask. And while it may be a little disappointing to have to modify some traditions, think of it this way: keeping it local and tight-knit is actually more sustainable. You’ll save the emissions from transportation, it’s easier to buy less for fewer guests which will mean less food waste, and staying local means your opportunity to buy local is increased.

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Remember the Ozone Layer?

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

A few weeks ago, in the midst of rising coronavirus cases worldwide, political upheaval, extreme weather events in the form of back to back hurricanes in the northern hemisphere and typhoons in the southern, and ongoing fires in the American west, Mario Molina, a chemist whose work on the ozone layer earned him a Nobel Prize in 1995, quietly passed away in Mexico City. He was 77. Molina’s work was crucial to enacting the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1987, and it made him one of the most consequential scientists of the past 50 years.

Learn more in the latest vid from the Hive!

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Vote Like the Survival of Our Planet Depends On It


We often talk about the power of our vote to spur change in the world. We encourage you to vote for leaders who believe in science and want to ensure our planet remains habitable for all life on it. If there was ever a time to choose to use your power, now is it.

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Halloween Sustainability

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Ghosts and ghouls, goblins and witches, Halloween is almost here and we have a few tips to help make sure the carbon footprint of your trick or treating is the opposite of spooky. Welcome to the Haunted Hive with our favorite Zom-BEE!

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The Great Barrier Reef and Climate Change

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

The Great Barrier Reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia and can be seen from outer space. It is the world’s biggest single structure made by living organisms, composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,300 kilometers (1,400 mi) over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometers (133,000 sq mi).

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More Tricks, and Still No Treats

More Tricks, and Still No Treats

It’s almost Halloween, the spookiest time of the year, complete with ghosts and goblins, witches and black cats, scary stories and… climate change? Most of us have at least some small knowledge of the increasing effects of climate change on our planet—increased global temperatures, warming seas, rising seas, melting ice caps, bleaching corals, biodiversity loss, fires, floods, and more. There are, however, some spookier anomalies taking place around the world–so many, in fact, our first article on the subject screamed for a second.

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Life On Land

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Hey swrmers! Welcome back to the Hive! As our world seems to become more and more divided, it becomes clearer to us at the Hive, that the only way forward is together. So, we’re bringing it back to the Sustainable Development Goals this week.

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All Tricks and No Treats

Jack o' Lantern

It’s October, the spookiest month of the year, complete with ghosts and goblins, witches and black cats, scary stories and… climate change? Most of us have at least some small knowledge of the increasing effects of climate change on our planet—increased global temperatures, warming seas, rising seas, melting ice caps, bleaching corals, biodiversity loss, fires, floods, and more. There are, however, some spookier anomalies taking place around the world….

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Sustainable September Wrap Up? Nope!

Sustainable September Wrap Up? Nope!

September’s over. But tomorrow’s a new day, the start of a new month, and a brand new opportunity to implement some of the sustainable living tips we’ve talked about for the last 30 days. So, here are some quick links to every day of our sustainability challenge so you can give it a go all over again!

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The California Wildfires

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

While some still seem to find it difficult to believe, and claim that even science doesn’t know what’s happening, we disagree. And we’re not the only ones. Climate scientists, leaders around the world, and the people of our planet who are facing existential threats to their homes, lives, and livelihoods all understand that climate change is real. And it is happening right now.

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