We felt it timely to reground ourselves in why we take the actions we take to help mitigate the climate crisis. In a word, it’s science. And climate Science has been around for hundreds of years!
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Do you know the comprehensive history of climate science?

Climate science is not new. In fact, it’s been around for hundreds of years! Let’s do some time travel and explore the comprehensive history of climate science. Let’s see what climate science theories hold up, 250+ years later.
Read moreCarbon Emissions Measurements – why is this so hard?

Every good story needs a villain. And our human story on this Blue Marble certainly has one: carbon dioxide. Like any well written villain, ours is not one dimensional: there is good and bad within the villain’s
Read moreEnvironmental Protection Paperwork: What’s it worth?

Failure to plan is a plan to fail. And indeed, for several decades there have been many plans set in motion for trying to ensure Mother Earth and her inhabitants can continue to survive and thrive, against
Read moreHistory: Who’s Who in Pioneering Climate Change Science Understanding

So, we’ve examined the history of the Earth’s climate and how climatic changes impacted earlier civilizations. But when did we first begin to actually learn about and understand our climate?
Read moreHistory: Real World Consequences of Our Changing Climate

This week we take a look into the shorter history of changes to our climate throughout the history of humans.
Read moreEarth Day 50th Anniversary

April 22nd, 2020 marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day! Founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement – a movement spawned to give voice to emerging public consciousness and concern about the state of our planet.
We love our Earth. And we know you do, too! From the mountains, to the oceans, to the jungles, to the forests, to the plains, our planet is truly amazing.
Read moreDebunking Climate Skepticism

History is full of arguments about the worthiness of facts. Skeptics often don’t know any better. Sometimes they refuse to listen. Other times they are fed misinformation or outright lies that convince them of a certain argument.
Read moreClimate History: Toppling Empires (Independence Day Special!)
Climate History: Toppling Empires

From beginnings of the Native Americans to Colonial rule before the Declaration of Independence, the US has transformed itself into the global leader of our generation. Today is a celebration of the United States historical journey to
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