Denim Microfibers in the Ocean

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Denim in the Ocean

A question for you: do you wear denim jeans? If you do, how many pairs do you have? Two, three….well if you answered SEVEN, you’d be right on average! Sound crazy? According to a report from the UK, the average woman owns 7 pairs of jeans, while the average man has 6 pairs to his name; and a report out of the US claims the average American owns 7 pairs. There are 1.25 billion pairs sold globally, every year—450 million of them in the United States. A survey from a few years back revealed that nearly 61% of Americans say they wear jeans or denim shorts at least 3 times per week. But let’s talk dollars. The market value for denim fabric was $21.8 billion in 2020—you know, that year most of the world basically stayed at home? And Levi Strauss reported close to $4.5 billion in sales. But it’s not just our closets getting clogged with too much denim—the ocean is, too.