Low Carb(on) Cooking with the Hive!

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

We talk A LOT about carbon footprints. It’s kind of our thing. Pretty much every activity we participate in and everything we purchase or consume has a carbon footprint. So, today, we’re going to do a little low carb(on) footprint cooking with Lexi and her dad’s hummus recipe! We’ve tested and tasted this one. Several times. Just to be sure.

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We talk A LOT about carbon footprints. It’s kind of our thing. Pretty much every activity we participate in and everything we purchase or consume has a carbon footprint. So, today, we’re going to do a little low carb(on) footprint cooking with Lexi and her dad’s hummus recipe! We’ve tested and tasted this one. Several times. Just to be sure.