Sustainable Development Goals

Edwel Energy Water Power

A recent survey that evaluates our progress on the sustainable development goals gives us both good and bad news. While most experts feel that our progress has been poor, they have become less critical since 2005. The report exploring the GlobeScan-SustainAbility Survey 2019: Evaluating Progress on the SDGs measures progress in 17 key areas.

The experts are from a range of different sectors and locations, over a half coming from North America and Europe, with the majority having more than 10 years experience in the sustainability industry.

The category requiring the most urgent response was Climate Change. While a majority of the experts believe this is receiving increased attention, they agree the action taken is highly inadequate, and seen more negatively than 2 years ago.

National governments are doing the poorest job to contribute to progress on sustainable development, however NGO’s, social entrepreneurs and the United Nations are much stronger in their actions.

The areas we have made the least sustainable progress are; Life Below the Water; Reduced Inequalities; and Life on Land. Depressing news that our planets co-inhabitants are considered in such a low regard. The global inequalities are becoming more of a media focus but still have such a long way to go.

The most progress has been made in: Partnerships for the Goals; Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure; and Gender Equality. This is hardly surprising considering the traction of the #MeToo movement recently but there is still a long way to go. Partnerships across different industries will be key to not leave any one industry behind.

Other positive progress is perceived to be Quality Education and Decent Work and Economic Growth, which is great news. Technology advances will come from high level education and a robust economy will help spur this growth.

So what advice do the experts offer?

Businesses should not be looking to meet SDG’s but rather adopting the 2030 development agenda to avoid the superficial adoption most companies use. They should focus their attention to the activities they can contribute in the strongest ways.

Corporations, governments and other institutions should align their efforts by region as the challenges they face are unique to them. Making progress to commonly defined objectives create faster progress within each region.

Global solidarity will be a strong pillar in the attainment of the Sustainability Development Goals. Focusing on our youth is priority. By owning the current action, they will lead the discovery to new ideas and innovation.

What can we take from this report?

It is easy to dismiss results as they are based on peoples perceptions, however they are experts from a diverse range of industries and locations. We should not be making the same mistakes as governments in failing to listen to climate scientists by dismissing the perceptions of leaders in sustainability.

By participating in your sustainable community and educating yourself on sustainable practices, it will show that you do understand the relevance in supporting the sustainable development goals.