Whether man-made water sources or natural, what if we built solar arrays on water?
Read moresolar energy
Is Solar Power Actually Sustainable?

This isn’t a question of the sustainability of the power source, ie., the sun. Obviously, there’s no concerns there. But the sun’s radiative energy doesn’t just spontaneously provide power to switch on the lights, it requires some pretty specific, technical hardware. And one thing we all understand, is that anything we humans produce has a usage expiration date. So today, let’s take a look at solar power and sustainability.
Read moreThe best place for a solar farm is the desert, right?

Today we’re talking about solar arrays, or farms. In order for them to generate enough energy to scale for widespread utility usage, they need land, and lots of it. But land is a precious commodity itself. So when we talk about building enormous solar farms on masses of uninhabitable desert, it seems like a no-brainer, right? Unfortunately, not quite…
Read moreSolar Energy Creates Sustainable Lifestyles

Solar energy can play a pivotal role in creating a more sustainable future. It is a truly renewable energy source that we cannot run out of, it can be harnessed in all areas of the world, and is available every day.
Read moreRenewed Drive On Renewables

It would be easy to get lost in the barrage of negativity and bad news right now. But fear not, I have some good news for you today! We’ve done a round up of some of the places from across the globe who are holding steady on their course to a more sustainable future, even in these tumultuous times, by harnessing renewable energies. There are good, important and powerful (ahem) things happening in the renewable energy sector. Let’s take a quick trip round the world to see who’s doing what!
Read moreRenewable Fossil Fuels

What if we could pull fuel right out of thin air? Imagine a world where we could take all of that excess carbon choking our atmosphere and convert it to fuel… a total game changer! Capturing existing emissions from fossil-fueled combustion and repurposing them for a secondary use would cut CO2 emissions by as much as 90%!
Read moreThe U.N. Sustainable Development Goals: Part 2

On Tuesday, September 17th, 2019, the 74th United Nations General Assembly session opened at the U.N headquarters in NYC, and there is quite the docket for 2019. One of the important summits we’re watching for here at
Read moreDoes Solar Save?
Secrets of Solar Energy
Does Solar Save?

We often get asked the benefits of transitioning to solar power over traditional sources. Usually the final verdict comes down to the outlay cost vs. long-term savings. With an abundance of companies offering low interest credit, a
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