7 Proven Tips for a Simply Sustainable Thanksgiving

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Thanksgiving is looking more than a little different this year. As COVID infection rates are rising in the US and elsewhere, and travel and gathering bans are in effect, we not have only have sustainability on our mind for our planet, but also for everyone’s health and safety. So please, be respectful of your region’s travel and gathering restrictions. Wear a mask. And while it may be a little disappointing to have to modify some traditions, think of it this way: keeping it local and tight-knit is actually more sustainable. You’ll save the emissions from transportation, it’s easier to buy less for fewer guests which will mean less food waste, and staying local means your opportunity to buy local is increased.

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Sustainable September Wrap Up? Nope!

Sustainable September Wrap Up? Nope!

September’s over. But tomorrow’s a new day, the start of a new month, and a brand new opportunity to implement some of the sustainable living tips we’ve talked about for the last 30 days. So, here are some quick links to every day of our sustainability challenge so you can give it a go all over again!

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One Year Anniversary (and all the bloopers!)

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

One year ago, we launched our swrm YouTube channel. Since then, we’ve worked hard to bring you accurate and up to date buzz on climate change, renewable energy, and sustainability. And we promise to bring you so much more! Thanks for joining us on this amazing journey to a more sustainable way of life. We look forward to another year and always remember that transitioning to a sustainable lifestyle is habit changing and will take time. Reach out for support if you need to — the Hive has your back!

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Sustainable Fish with Giovanna Kupiec of Seamore’s

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Today we’re talking with Giovanna Kupiec, Sustainability and Marketing Manager of Seamore’s Restaurants in New York City. While as much as 2 billion pounds of fish is discarded by fisheries in the United States every year, Seamore’s is dedicated to tackling seafood waste while sourcing their ingredients sustainably, diversely, and as locally as possible.

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Eating Local with Naama Tamir of Lighthouse

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Today, we’re at Lighthouse Restaurant in New York City to talk sustainability and community with co-owner Naama Tamir! Occupying a triangular corner in Williamsburg, BK this sunny restaurant is indeed a beacon of light for sustainable dining out and reducing food waste.

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Top 10 NYC Sustainable Restaurants

Open sign

New York City sure has a plethora of eateries! It’s actually quite overwhelming! And being on your journey to a more sustainable lifestyle can add a complicating factor when looking for an ideal place for dining out. So we’re here to help! We’ve researched many of the restaurants who fly the flag for being sustainable, and have come up with this list: 10 of the Best. Read on for some of the best places to jump into and grab some sustainable, delectable nosh!

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