A Greener Happy Holiday

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

‘Tis the season for shopping and presents, stuffing our faces and traveling to far places! But have you ever thought about how all of that holiday cheer increases your Carbon Footprint? Between buying, wrapping, traveling, festive lights, decorative trees, and celebrating, the end of year holidays substantially increase the amount of waste and electricity we generate which in turn, substantially increases our Carbon Footprints.

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How sustainable is your office building?

Sustainable building depicted by silhouette filled with leaves

Human reliance on fossil fuel energy continues to steadily grow. The impacts of this are found in nearly every aspect of our existence, from transportation to construction and even food production. A large portion of our energy

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A Greener Happy Holiday

Two packages, one small and one larger, wrapped in simple brown paper and tied with red and white bakery string. Finished with pin sprigs.

‘Tis the season for shopping and presents, stuffing our faces and traveling to far places! But have you ever thought about how all of that holiday cheer increases your carbon footprint? Between buying, wrapping, traveling, festive lights, decorative trees, and celebrating, the end of year holidays substantially increase the amount of waste and electricity we generate which in turn, substantially increases our carbon footprints.

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Top 10 Sustainability Myths

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

With the rise of the Internet and the age of the smartphone, information is now at the tip of our fingers 24 hours a day. But this has also given rise to a ton of misinformation. Unfortunately, poorly researched news articles and sensationalism are now the norm for even mainstream media. So, today we’re taking a look at some of the most common myths about our favorite subject: sustainability.

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Apple cider vinegar conditioner & other sustainable personal care ideas!

Home made beauty product ingredients and beaker

Do you have dozens of beauty products adorning your bathroom shelves? You’re not alone. Every day, American women use on average 12 personal care items containing 168 chemicals, while men apply 6 skincare products with 85 potentially

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Which eco/sustainability certification do you look for?

In today’s world, public opinion is slowly shifting towards a greater desire for environmentally friendly and sustainable products. This is not only important for consumers, but also for companies producing goods as it is a means to

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Shopping for Sustainable Products

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

We truly understand that being sustainable is daunting in lots of ways, and the perceived cost is high up on that list. Small and consistent steps, taken by a steadily growing number of people, is what we need to successfully transition to a sustainable planet.

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Carbon Footprint of Entertainment – Part III – Gaming and Social Media

If you missed the first 2 parts read them here: Carbon Footprint of Entertainment! Part I – Movies, Television & the Stage. Carbon Footprint of Entertainment! Part II – Sports. We have been examining our favorite pastimes

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The Carbon Footprint of Entertainment

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Watching sports, checking out a live show, binge watching your favorite series, today, Lexi breaks down the Carbon Footprint of your favorite entertainment!

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