Do Volcanoes Contribute to Global Warming?

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Volcanic eruptions are often discussed in relation to climate change because they release CO2 (and other gases) into our atmosphere. The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens shot about 10 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere in 9 hours. It currently takes humanity only 2.5 hours to put out the same amount.

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What you need to know about the Infrastructure Bill – from a Climate Perspective

New York City riverside

There sure was a lot of talk about this Bill for a long time before anything happened. But on November 15th 2021, the highly anticipated $1.2 Trillion bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) was passed into

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COP26: Run down… it’s not all bad!

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Since the close of the long awaited Conference Of the Parties meeting in Glasgow, we’ve been hearing some pretty scathing reviews. But is that really fair? Yes, there were some outcomes that could have been better…but there were some great outcomes too. We’re going to give you a quick catch up on the best and worst.

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Countdown to a Sustainable New Year

Countdown to a Sustainable New Year

Let’s countdown our faves from 2021 and take them with us into a more sustainable 2022!

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Sustainability and Santa’s Carbon Footprint

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Today, just for fun, let’s take a look at what some of the emissions for Santa’s workshop and global sleigh-driven present distribution might look like.

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