Super Simple Food Waste Fixes

Refrigerator packed with leftovers in containers.

On an average year, an estimated 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted globally – one third of all food produced for human consumption. And that was before a global pandemic struck. Now, between panic buying at the grocery store, restaurants closing worldwide, and food supply chains scrambling to readjust to our new “normal”, experts say that number is bound to increase.

So, we’ve come up with a few easy food waste fixes to help you tackle waste at home, and keep your sustainability goals in mind even during a crisis.

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Coffee, K-Cups & Sustainability

Coffee, K-Cups & Sustainability

We live in a world where we can have our coffee any way we want it, so why not have it sustainably? Lexi takes a look at our beloved daily stimulant and the sustainability of the convenient K-Cup. Did you know that it takes a whopping 37 gallons of water to ultimately produce one cup of coffee?

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Coffee, K-Cups & Sustainability

Cup o' Joe

In the 1730s, Johann Sebastian Bach wrote, “Without my morning coffee I’m just like a dried-up piece of roast goat.” Almost 300 years later, the world of the 21st century seems to feel the same, with an

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