Farmers Markets: https://www.grownyc.org/files/gmkt/map.pdf
Worm Farm: https://www.gardeners.com/buy/worm-farm-composter/8593240.html
Vegan Restaurants: https://idktonight.com/how-to-go-vegan-with-your-significant-other/
Sustainable Fashion: https://youtu.be/wGFuTfQP8sA
Renewable Energy: http://www.nyccleanenergy.com/
#10 Shop at your local Farmers Markets
#9 Cut down your waste
#8 Compost
#7 Eat less Meat
#6 Use your tote bag
#5 Say no to utensils
#4 Purchase sustainably
#3 Reusable coffee cups
#2 Switch to Renewable Energy
#1 Take Less Taxis & Ubers