The Carbon Market terms are confusing, so we’re spilling the tea.

If we (meaning countries and corporations) can’t effectively reduce emissions in the volumes required, what other options are there?

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Do Tiny Houses Allow You to Have Bigger Dreams?

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

We’ve had a request to take a look at the Tiny House Movement, so that’s exactly what we’re doing. What is a tiny house, why would you want one, and why it might not be the best choice, or even possible, for you. Despite the tiny size of the houses, there’s a lot to unpack here!

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Environmental Protection Paperwork: What’s it worth?

4 binders stacked on top of each other

Failure to plan is a plan to fail. And indeed, for several decades there have been many plans set in motion for trying to ensure Mother Earth and her inhabitants can continue to survive and thrive, against

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How Can Global Warming Make it Snow?

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

We’re sure you recall the power outages which were caused by unprecedented cold, snow, and freezing temperatures in Texas. And you might have noticed that climate skeptics suggest that this disproves global warming once and for all. But in fact, global warming leading to record low temperatures makes perfect sense.

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The Great Emissions Rebound

Car exhausts and man holding speed limit sign saying CO2

There were fears during 2020 that the dip in carbon emissions we were experiencing would be short-lived, and that 2021 would bring a bounce back of global CO2e. And, indeed, that fear has been realized. 

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