Greenwashing is the process of conveying a false impression or providing misleading information about how a company’s products are environmentally sound. There are many different ways that a company can greenwash their product or image. The marketing by massive corporations is done by very smart people with enormous budgets, so there’s no shame in having fallen for greenwashing. But we’re here to help make sure it doesn’t happen again!
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Veganism: a More Complex Plant Based Diet Than You Thought

Does a vegan diet really help individuals eat more sustainably? The answer is actually more complex than a simple yes or no.
Read moreDamn, We Need New Methods For Surface Water Management: Dams Have Served Their Term

The first engineers of dams were beavers, who gnawed on trees and gathered vegetation to build these ecosystem structures. Who would have thought we could learn something about surface water management from semi-aquatic rodents? Today, there are
Read moreSustainable Cities: Cincinnati

We are very proud to be participating in SustainableCincy from Flywheel with the other fantastic members of a cohort of innovative startups working to improve sustainability in the region. So, to help celebrate we thought we could tell you why Cincinnati and the region is ranked the number one sustainable city in the US.
Read moreHalloween Sustainability

Ghosts and ghouls, goblins and witches, Halloween is almost here and we have a few tips to help make sure the carbon footprint of your trick or treating is the opposite of spooky. Welcome to the Haunted Hive with our favorite Zom-BEE!
Read moreSustainable September Wrap Up? Nope!

September’s over. But tomorrow’s a new day, the start of a new month, and a brand new opportunity to implement some of the sustainable living tips we’ve talked about for the last 30 days. So, here are some quick links to every day of our sustainability challenge so you can give it a go all over again!
Read moreSustainable Happy Hour

While we often consider the health ramifications of imbibing responsibly on our bodies, today we’re going talk about how happy hour affects our planet.
Read moreLow Carb(on) Cooking with the Hive!

We talk ALOT about carbon footprints. It’s kind of our thing. Pretty much every activity we participate in and everything we purchase or consume has a carbon footprint. So, today, we’re going to do a little low carb(on) footprint cooking with Lexi and her dad’s hummus recipe! We’ve tested and tasted this one. Several times. Just to be sure
Read moreThe Carbon Footprint of Whisky

Thanks to all of you who have downloaded our App and sent through support and feedback! It really makes us proud. Today, we’re peeking behind the curtain to explore how we bring you the carbon footprint of products in our App.
Read moreswrm Fairy Tales of Sustainability

Today, from the Hive, we bring you classic tales of intrigue, suspense, and true love of sustainability! Once upon a time, in a magical land…
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