Eating Local with Naama Tamir of Lighthouse

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Today, we’re at Lighthouse Restaurant in New York City to talk sustainability and community with co-owner Naama Tamir! Occupying a triangular corner in Williamsburg, BK this sunny restaurant is indeed a beacon of light for sustainable dining out and reducing food waste.

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Farm to Table with Morten Sohlberg of Blenheim

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Today we’re talking with Morten Sohlberg, co-owner with Min Ye of Blenheim restaurant in New York City, about farm to table dining and sustainability. Located in the West Village, Blenheim is named for their 150 acre Blenheim Hill farm in the Catskills. The farm raises hens, pigs (3 different breeds), and lamb; grows and also forages for their greens; makes maple syrup; and — our favorite –keeps their own bees!

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Do the Rot Thing

Food Scraps

We’ve talked about the staggering problem of food waste before. If you missed it, check out our article, “Farm to Table to Trash” and video, “Fighting Food Waste.” It’s difficult to imagine, but one third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. And the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that more food reaches landfills and incinerators than any other single material in our everyday trash, constituting 22 percent of discarded municipal solid waste.

We’ve also talked about compost before, as something we can all do as individuals to deal with waste and live more sustainably, in general. But what we haven’t done is explain what compost actually is and how you can incorporate composting as part of your most sustainable life to reduce your carbon footprint. Soooo…

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E-Waste 101

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

According to the UN University, every year the world produces approximately 50 million metric tons of electronic or e-waste. This includes computers, monitors, laptops, cell phones, TVs, stereos, kitchen appliances, plugs and cables, among other things.

Our ever-increasing demand for the newest, fastest devices and the latest technology, and retailers’ rush to provide, as well as stir this demand, has created what the Executive Director of the UN Environmental Program has called a “tsunami of e-waste rolling out over the world.”

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Chocolate and Sustainability

Hands full of cocoa beans

Chocolate is one of the most beloved treats worldwide. Globally, we consume 7.2 million metric tons and almost 90 billion dollars’ worth of the confection every year. But unfortunately, there are some very serious sustainability issues to consider when indulging your sweet tooth, for the Earth as well for the humans involved in chocolate production.

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Chasing Windmills

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

There’s been a lot of talk in recent years about windmills — from causing cancer to decimating bird populations to producing air-polluting fumes. Today, Lexi chases down a few of those windmill rumors to see which ones are nothing but hot air.

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Sustainable Weddings

White and pink flower painted blocks that spell out "love" set on a wedding table.

You may have heard your wedding day described as the most important day of your life. Regardless of whether that’s actually true, what better way to start off a life with the one you love than by doing it in a way that also shows your love for the Earth?

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Sustainable Shopping Guide Part 2

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

Here’s Part 2 of our Sustainable Shopping Guide! We’re going to help get you on the sustainable living path in a way that’s also sustainable for your wallet. Previously, we talked about some sustainable swaps for personal care items. Today Lexi’s gonna run down some sustainable swaps for your home.

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Sustainably Sweet

Bee hive with YouTube logo red play button at center.

What do we humans consume globally to the tune of 7.2 million metric tons and almost 90 billion dollars every year? What delicious food’s history dates all the way back to 450 BC and the Aztec Empire? What food had so many new types launched in 2008 that an average of one new product was brought to market every hour?

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